
Amerplastics has the experience, know-how and contacts to design, calculate and, if required, to visualise every plastic piping system. We and our partners use modern and up-to-date software to, for example, make flow calculations (Fluidflow), surge and water hammer calculations, stress analyses for above-ground piping systems with Caesar II and base load calculations in accordance with AWWA.

3D laser scans

The latest in measuring that we can offer is 3D laser scans. Laser scanning is ideal for measuring complex objects. A very precise measurement can be made very remotely of dangerous objects while they are in operation (petrochemical systems) without disturbing users or owners. The scan is then used as the blueprint for the 3D piping package (Plant 3D). Isometries can be retrieved by selecting a pipe from the piping network. The isometries are generated from the 3D model.

We can also calculate and detail primary pipe supports and secondary steel within the steel structure department of the Syndus Group.
